Standing in the church parking lot,
with a dear friend, through tears,
she cried, "I'm not sure."
Only in her twenties,
nothing else mattered in that moment but
her eternal security.
With mascara streaks staining her distressed face,
freedom from doubt was her deepest desire.
As a child, I accepted Christ as my Savior.
Details became vague as years progressed.
Did I say the right things?
Did I mean it in my heart?
"Mom, please refresh my mind of the details."
What does "doubt" mean?
I'm not sure? I don't know? Maybe; maybe not?
When we aren't walking with God, inevitably, doubt creeps in.
God never leaves us, but we often leave Him.
When we leave God's side,
we won't believe what we know is true.
The doubting drew me closely to God.
He helped me realize -
victory over doubt is achievable.
The cure to doubt is to draw securely to God's side.
God time.
Since walking with God,
grabbing hold of that relationship offered so many years back,
and delving into His Word ...
my heart doesn't doubt ... my heart doesn't ache for security.
The relationship with your earthly father is a perfect example
(use another relative/friend as an example if you need to) --
You know he's your father.
You communicate.
He's made it clear you are his.
You don't doubt it because ...
it's truth ...
it's your life ...
it's who you are ...
it's your relationship ...
why would you doubt it?
You don't have to doubt.
The word "doubt" seems misspelled, doesn't it?
What letter doesn't belong?
When we doubt, like the letter "B" ...
there may be a silence in our lives that doesn't belong -
a lack, a void ...
lack of God time ...
lack of Father time.
The enemy swarms, hiding in shadows, stinging with silent whispers:
"You couldn't be saved."
"Could you really be saved?"
"You can't be sure."
"You'll never be sure."
"You will never be secure."
When we draw securely to God's side,
without a doubt,
we will be secure.
It's truth ...
it's your life ...
it's who you are ...
it's your relationship ...
why would you doubt it?
You don't have to doubt.
Doubt Only Undermines Biblical Truth
Without a shadow of a doubt -
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified,
and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
Romans 10:9-10
Be sure.
Be secure.