Wednesday, June 11, 2014


She had come so far to see Him.
So much had changed in her life.
Though she knew He was aware,
she couldn't wait to sit down and share the details with Him -
the main.

But she found herself busy.
Busyness ... writing, visiting, working,
making and meeting appointments, volunteering.
She had her life to maintain.

Pony saddled, wagon loaded, and one last brush through its mane,
it occurred to her - she came all that way.
She hadn't really spent time with Him.
All that way ...
for what?
Why did she go?
What was her purpose?
Why didn't she show Him how special He was?
Why did she let the precious time slip away?
He was her Mainstay.

She had squandered her time.
That wasn't the plan.
What would remain?

It was time to pull up a chair.


Going down Main Street can be tough.
Dreams cut down.

Injuries occur.

What remains?


We can't go it alone
And we must be careful who we follow,
who we lend our valuable time.
God has a wonderful, meticulous plan for our lives.
We must remain in our Mainstay -
the main.
If we do, He makes this promise -
"I am the vine; you are the branches."

"If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit;
apart from me you can do nothing."
John 15:5

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Blessed by you, Shelli