Friday, December 12, 2014


How many times does God speak to our hearts, and we simply don't listen? We turn away. We ignore His nudging, the Spirit within's guidance.

How many times have bad things happened, our house ransacked, and we thought ... something told me not to do this or that ... I just had a feeling ... but I didn't listen.

Since we had our one sheep killed a few weeks ago, we've finally been allowing our two sheep out into the back area a little more now, only giving them access to it during the light of day.

We are still fearful. Seeing something you hold precious eaten away is a mental picture that never leaves. The tears still come. The pain still pierces. I should have ...

But even giving them access, our sheep, Sandy, and the newest necessity, Ginny, remain near the barn though because the baby sheep won't venture far from it. She's new here and still nervous. Though she is so loving and not fearful of human hands like our other sheep was as a baby. She actually lets me rub her chin, her tummy, and I can even pick her up without a squabble. She would let me kiss her forehead if I wanted, but of course, I wouldn't do that. Wink.


This morning, I went to let them out of the barn. The morning light was awake, but a little foggy covering lingered. I just felt like I shouldn't let them out. Fogginess ... eeriness. I just couldn't shake it. I made a decision to only let them go into the small pen off the barn that comes up near the house.

Couldn't quite put my finger on it. Just got a strange feeling. Came back inside.

As I sat down at the computer, my oldest daughter woke up and came to me very distraught. She said, "Mom, I had a bad dream. Don't let the sheep out today."

"I won't," I said. "Did you dream the sheep got killed?"

"I dreamed Ginny, the baby, got killed."

"I had a bad feeling this morning. I didn't let them out." My eyes widened like silver dollars, and I knew full well the Lord was speaking to me.

We hugged. Took a deep breath. Like we'd been saved within an inch of our lives.

This event was major. And I believe my eldest will always remember this. I told her, "You know ... maybe we were just paranoid. And maybe absolutely nothing would have come to harm them this morning. But because we heeded the warning, we'll never have to find out."

As of this moment, our sheep are safe and sound.

Oh, how thankful we are that Jesus came to this earth as the one and only God-man. Bitty baby. Born in a manger. Maybe a sheep even kissed and nibbled His precious, holy cheek.

He lived and died for us ... and left us with an incredible gift ... the Holy Spirit.

We haven't been abandoned. We've been saved. Within an inch of our lives. Yeah, you've been saved, Ol' Soul.

If we'll simply yield, listen, quiet ourselves, wait ... He'll guide.

We are privileged to hear that still small saving voice within.

Happy Holy-Day, Beloved Friends.


  1. Seems the Creator sent his spirit to warn you and had you not been discerning, your daughter was the reinforcement. Through the mouths of babes, they say. Loved how you tied it in with our Savior receiving a nibble-kiss in the manger. I like picturing that.

    1. Melodie, thank you! You always bless my day. Yes, I feel certain He was warning ... and I'm so thankful that I listened for once! :)

  2. Shelli, I love your writing, your pictures, and your home. So glad your sheep are safe. And I'm so glad our souls are safe in the Lord's keeping.

    I had a bad dream a few years ago that I later realized was a warning. Our family went through a very dark valley afterwards that could have been avoided if we'd heeded the warning of my husband's heart and my dream. Since then I've taken warnings much more seriously. But God was still able to use our suffering for good.

    Blessings ~ Wendy ❀

    1. Oh, Wendy. Thank you for sharing that. Sometimes it's so hard to discern if we are being over-cautious, over-reactive ... or if God is truly trying to warn, guide us.

      Praying you are feeling much better today.

  3. You welcome readers into your heart and home. I absolutely ADORE your pictures--how you put stories together. This felt like the beginnings to a novel I wouldn't put down.

    Thanks for sharing the links with our little bloggy-group.


  4. You welcome readers into your heart and home. I absolutely ADORE your pictures--how you put stories together. This felt like the beginnings to a novel I wouldn't put down.

    Thanks for sharing the links with our little bloggy-group.


    1. Julie ... thank you. xoxo So sweet for you to read these.


Blessed by you, Shelli