Friday, May 15, 2015

Forgiveness is like a Shoelace

Have you experienced the withholding of forgiveness?

When truly repentant, the lack of forgiveness is painful. It makes one feel like a human yo-yo ... loved one minute and hated the next.

I love you.

I hate you.

When we withhold forgiveness, we might look prettily flowered on the outside, but on the inside, we are an unraveling hazard.


If we withhold forgiveness, we will flip-flop between love and hate. Without it, we are unable to walk in freedom, continually tripping and hurting ourselves and the ones we truly, deniably love.

Unnecessary tears.

Withholding forgiveness creates prison bars of tear tracks.

If we withhold forgiveness, we aren't securely fastened, and we'll forfeit walking in cleanness to drag ourselves and others through dirt and mud continuously and unnecessarily.

But if we give our grievances, our pains, our wrongs to God, He will lace them up and we'll be walking in freedom.
Forgiveness laces the good in our lives with the bad in our lives, allowing God to work all things together for good (Romans 8:28).
Do we trust Him?

Forgiveness is the sweetest bow we could place on the gift of freedoma gift worth keepingto offer others and ourselves.


  1. Oh, Shelli. You just had to write this today, when I have something I really REALLY want to be bitter about, didn't you?

    1. Sweet girl ... you have no idea how happy you made me ... seeing you here! You just made my day! I know ... it's so easy to see what other people hold against US ... but when we look deep into our hearts, we often find things we are holding on to, as well. Ugh! Oh, you blessed me!

  2. I'll never be able to look at pretty flowered tennies the same way anymore!

    1. Ha ha, Terri! Me either! Thank you for coming to see me today! :)

  3. Shelli, what a beautiful post!! And your words? Spot on. The times I've withheld forgiveness have left me empty and bitter. I'm finding it's a moment-by-moment decision sometimes . . . to continue to choose forgiveness toward those who have hurt me. I loved what you said about forgiveness lacing the good and the bad in life together, and it allows God to do His work in us.

    Profound truths here. Thank you, friend!

    1. Aw, Jeanne. Thank you for stopping by. You always bless me so much. And I'm so proud of you, sweet friend, regarding the Genesis contest. You've worked so hard.

  4. Shelli, forgiveness is the oil in the gears of creativity too. A famous preacher (R.T. Kendall) had a disagreement with his wife and was unable to work on his sermon, but when he asked for her forgiveness, as he too apologized and forgave her, he was able to go back to his study and write wonderful words. I love how you illustrated this great truth with those lovely shoes. <3 I know I'm paralyzed when I harbor a bitter spirit.

    Blessings & hugs ~ Wendy ❀

    1. I'm so glad you mentioned that, Wendy. It's certainly something to consider ... times when we feel our creativity is low ... maybe we need to evaluate ourselves ... it just all goes back to staying on our knees, for sure. When we stay on our knees, we don't trip over our shoelaces! :) I love you, sweet lady.

  5. Great post--again! It wasn't until I was married that I understood what "holds no record of wrongs" really meant in the idea of love. Quit bringing up past items that have been dealt with. My mind tends to go back with, "this is just like when..." But learning to call on my Savior to help me stop that stronghold thinking pattern eliminates bitterness.

    1. Oh, amen, Melodie! Holds no records of wrongs. And who has the brain power for that anyway? Every day should be a new day to start over. Thank you for sharing that. :)

  6. And sometimes not forgiving someone can be so sneaky--you can convince yourself you're not holding a grudge, sort of like walking around with your shoes untied, but pretty soon you trip and fall.

    Great post, my friend. Letting go of something right now...

    1. "So sneaky" ... I love that, Julie. And then it turns squeaky!! Ignoring it, we probably start to hear it just before we fall! :)

      Thank you, sweet friend. xoxo


Blessed by you, Shelli