Tuesday, August 11, 2015

An Embarassing Display

“Shelli, you have about a 50% chance of conception,” my doctor said, leaning over my hospital bed. I can’t begin to relay the pain I felt or the tears I cried. For you see, having a family had been my childhood dream.


I'm blessed to be guest posting over at my good friend, Jeanne Takenaka's blog this week. Please join me over there for more of the story.

Blessed by you,


  1. The post on Jeanne's page was so touching. Your pain of infertility reminded me of my "why am I single still" pain that I'd felt for year until I met my husband. Totally different type of pain, but a similar questioning of what God was trying to do through me. When what seems bad (or in reality is bad) comes into my life I try to have the mind set of what is God wanting to teach me through this? You leading the group helped others in their pain. Thanks for sharing of yourself in that way, Shell, and for sharing your story on the blog. Your girls are fully loved and wanted and desired.

    On another note, I didn't know Dr. Robert Jeffress was your minister! Can't wait to text my 90-year-old dad that I know someone who knows Jeffress. He really likes him.

    1. Aw, Melodie. Thank you. Dr. Jeffress was our pastor for six years in Wichita Falls. We loved him. He's in Dallas now, you know ... but we don't go to his church. We've visited though. It's just a bit far to be actively involved. But I wish! I learned so much from sitting underneath his teaching. And well, he's on the radio, too. We got to know him pretty good because we were very close to his best friends in Wichita Falls. So that was pretty neat! :)


Blessed by you, Shelli