Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Do You?

Remembering what our Jesus went through for us ...

So that we could go through life with Him. 

Do You?

Do you ever feel abandoned?
Do you ever feel despair?
Do you watch a loved one turn and go?
Do you watch the fragments tear?
Do you hear the words: "I - hate - you"?
Do you feel them pierce your heart?
Do you feel your whole world shatter?
Do you gather broken parts?
Do you realize your Jesus knows?
Do you know what He went through?
Do you ponder His heart-wrenching question:
“You do not want to leave too, do you?”
Inspired by John 6:67 NIV
By Shelli Littleton Copyright 2013

Jesus, you are breathtaking.


  1. I've felt rejected - a lot - in the last three years. My academic career was destroyed, and the waters were deliberately poisoned, so to speak, to prevent my working in the field again.

    That hurt.

    But through it all, I did feel that He was there, and that He understood.

    Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for your writing, and for the wisdom of your faith. Your words have made a difference to me.

    1. Happy Thanksgiving back to you. I think it is so critical to remember our Jesus was abandoned. He's felt it all. And may it make us cling to Him all the more and never be one to abandon Him. He knows ...


Blessed by you, Shelli